Acid Etch for Concrete

Product Highlights

Used to remove laitence and salts from bare concrete and render prior to painting

Use with all Coo-Var's Floor Paints and Swimming Pool Paint.

Essential for good adhesion on paint

Etches bare concrete floors

Prepares concrete quickly and effectively.

Suitable Surfaces: New concrete, Power floated concrete floors, Mortared floors

Application: Stiff Yard Brush

Estimated Coverage: 7m² per litre

Recommended Use: (click titles to go to product)

To prepare bare concrete prior to the application of Coo-Var Floor Paints, and Coo-Var Swimming Pool Paints.

Product Description

Coo-Var Acid Etch is a powerful water-based solution which chemically etches bare concrete and mortared floors and also removes salts and laitance from concrete and render.

This product can be used on bare concrete prior to painting to ensure good adhesion is given between substrate and paint system.


Acid Etch FAQ's

What is acid etching?

Acid etching involves applying an acidic solution to a surface to eliminate dust and laitances but also creating a rough texture that enhances adhesion for coatings or paints, or sealants. It's used on concrete old or new.

How do I perform acid etching on concrete?

  • Preparation: Clean the surface thoroughly to remove dirt, grease, and loose debris.
  • Protection: Wear protective gear, including gloves, goggles, and a mask. Ensure the area is well-ventilated.
  • Mixing: Dilute the acid 3 parts water and 1 part acid etch.
  • Application: Apply the acid solution evenly using a brush or plastic watering can.
  • Rinsing: Rinse the surface thoroughly with water after chemical reaction has finished ( this will be when the solutuon has stopped fizzing)
  • Drying: Allow the surface to dry completely before applying any coatings.

How long should I leave the acid on the surface?

The dwell time varies depending on the level. Typically, for concrete, it may be around 30 minutes. .

How do I neutralize the acid after etching?

After the etching process as finished, the product is automatically neautralised, really to be rinsed off with clean water or mopped up.

Are there alternatives to acid etching?

Yes, alternatives include mechanical methods like sandblasting or grinding, which physically roughen the surface without the use of chemicals.

Can I paint directly after acid etching?

No, after acid etching, you need to thoroughly rinse and neutralize the surface, let it dry completely, and then ensure it is clean and free of any salts before applying paint or coatings.

How do I dispose of leftover acid or rinse water?

Dispose of leftover acid etch that has been rinsed away or mopped down the drain once the chemical process has finished. This will be neautralised natrually and will not harm the enviroment.


Standard delivery 48 to 72 hours (business hours). Prices are excluding VAT.

Zone Free Delivery on Orders Over Standard Delivery Charge
Zone 1 - UK Mainland £150 £7.00
Zone 2 - Highlands & Islands/Isle of Man/Isles of Scilly/Isle of Wight £350 £30.00
Channel Isles & Ireland - Contact 01482 328053    

*Please note that these prices only apply for UK Mainland and the Islands above.

If in doubt please call 01482 328052 or email

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